Ground information
Official name |
Republic of Slovenia |
Political system |
parliamentary republic |
Area |
20,273 km2 |
Forest |
10,124 km2 |
Vineyards |
216 km2 |
Length of border with Austria |
330 km |
Length of border with Italy |
232 km |
Length of border with Hungary |
102 km |
Length of border with Croatia |
670 km |
Length of coast |
46,4 km |
Capital |
Ljubljana |
Population |
2 million |
Ethnic origin of population |
Slovene(83.06%), Italian(0.16%), Hungarian
(0.43%), Others (11.57%) |
Language |
Slovene |
Religion |
Roman Catholic (82%) |
Climate |
Alpine, Continental, Mediterranean |
Time zone |
Central European Time GMT+1 |
Average temperatures |
July 21°C January: 0°C |
Political system |
multiparty parliamentary democracy |
Economy |
GDP p.c. (2005) 13.677 EUR, imports (2005)
19.62 billion USD, exports (2005) 18.53 billion USD |
Currency |
euro, 1 January 2007 |
Education |
Universities in Ljubljana and Maribor 87,056
students (2002/2003) |
Culture |
14 professional and numerous amateur theatres,
2 operas, 45 permanent galleries, 60 museums, 5 professional
orchestras and a symphony orchestra |
Media |
6 daily newspapers, 40 weeklies, state television,
private televisions, state radio station, local radio stations |
statistic information about Slovenia... |
Important telephone numbers
- Police: 113
- Fire: 112
- Emergency first aid: 112
- AMZS - Automobile Association of Slovenia: 1987
Slovenian take-over of the
euro as of the year 2007
Holidays, Stores, Post
Office, Banks
Drinking Water, Electricity,